Legacy Retirement Planner

The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Retirement Planning program helps you plan your retirement by providing detailed information, including benefit calculations and projections that covers your D-H Defined Contribution Retirement plan (all employees).

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Through this outstanding program you will be able to answer such burning questions as:

  • “How much will I need to retire really the way I would like?”
  • “When can I actually retire and still meet my income goals?”
  • “How and when should I take money from theĀ plansĀ and other savings to make up all the income I will need?”
  • “How much must I save and how should I invest the savings to meet the income goals I set?”
  • “How does that pension really work and how do the Supplemental Plans figure into the equation?”

In the program you will be able to instantly change a range of 9 assumptions including:

  • 403(b) Savings Rates
  • Retirement ages
  • Pre-retirement investment returns
  • Post-retirement investment returns
  • Mortality (How long are you going to live)
  • Rate of Salary increases
  • Inflation Rates
  • Other Pre-Tax Savings Rates
  • After Tax Savings Rates

Please take a tour of this program which provides for your specific assumptions for pay increase rates, inflation, investment performance rates among other assumptions that you can configure for yourself.

In addition, once you have entered your specific, personal information you can then print reports of results to keep for your analysis and future reference.

Importantly, none of the personal information that you enter can or will be recorded in any way. Once you leave the system, your information is removed so you can be comfortable that no confidential information will be disclosed.